Friday 1 February 2008

Allentown, PA

Newydd cyrraedd Allentown - y lle nath Billy Joel sgwennu'r gan enwog amadano. Cyngerdd heno - gobeithio fydd e'n dda gan fod yna boblogaeth fawr o dras Cymreig yma. Mae'r gem fawr yfory - 11am amser ni. Gobeithio holi pobl yn y cyngerdd heno am dafarn leol a fydd yn dangos y gem. Dim cyngerdd yfory - dim ond teithio - ar ol gweld Cymru'n ennill gobeithio...

Just arrived in Allentown PA - The place Billy Joel wrote the famous song about. Another concert tonight - hopefully a good one because this area has large population of welsh decent. Hope we'll be able to ask them where we will be able to watch the big game tomorrow - it'll be at 11am out time. No concert tomorrow - just travelling - hopefully after seeing Wales win...

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